October 08, 2012

How To: Baby Registry 101

Last week I decided to tackle the baby registry.
I don't use "tackle" lightly because, to be honest, I was completely overwhelmed...
and I've done some serious homework.
It was like showing up for a pop quiz, having studied, and then having no idea where to start. Bah!

Regardless of the fact that this whole "having a baby" thing is totally new to me,
so are all of the million ba-jillion products that I "have to" have/will need
to keep my baby from being physically and emotionally deprived. Please.
Thank goodness Mr. C's sweet mom, Jeanie, was there to save the day!
(it was nothing a little practical motherly advice and a trip to Sonic couldn't handle)

Here's one of the better registry "Must Haves" lists that I referenced along the way.
And here's how the day ended up:

I'm so lucky. My super stylish friend, Auntie Lauren, runs this ADORABLE speciality baby boutique.
(check out her amazing personal blog here)
Her place was the exception because this was the most fun I had while registering!
You go around the store like you have a free hall pass and grab all the cute little baby things
and there they go, right into your own personal registry basket. Literally.

This makes it so easy for your friends to then just grab an item or two
out of your basket and head straight to the register;
instead of going on a wild goose chase (and wasting several hours) just to find a pair of booties.
Definitely the "go-to" for registry fun and the perfect gifts!

Plus, she has hilarious pee pee teepees:

Stop 2: Buy Buy Baby
I choose BBB over all the other "big box" baby stores, like Babies R Us and Target
because their customer service and product range seemed to the best.
Although they do their best to make it simple, like providing a 20 pg handbook guide (forget it!),
we found that going crazy with the registry scanner was the most fun and practical use of our time.

Some favorites:

Ok, this makes my top 5 coolest baby stuff list.
This website is basically the Pintrest for baby registering.
I can try to explain it, but it's so simple that it's best if you just check it out for yourself.
Here's mine.



  1. Thanks for the shout out!!! That picture of the peepee teepee made me laugh!

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