July 09, 2013

B is for Baby: 168 Days Old

Hello Baby,

Today you are 5 months (oh my gosh), 2 weeks and 1 day old.
What in the world?!
Here's what you've been up to lately:
Rolling all around. From back to belly and then back again.
Holding onto your toes. And putting those toes in your mouth.
Working on sitting up, crawling, standing, and putting one foot in front of the other!

 Being observant. Always interested and exploring what's all around you.

Hanging out with your girl, Pip. 
You're reaching for her and always checking to see what she's doing. 
(and playing with mini Pip your G-Ma got you!)

Splish splashin' in the pool!

Oh, and Mom + Dad had a little night out...

Celebrating July 4th and experiencing fireworks for the first time!
You did so good and you loved it!

Love you so much little T,

1 comment:

  1. Love you Tripp, you are such a sweet blessing! (You too La!)
