The hospital bag, that is.
There are so many checklists out there for what one should pack for Delivery Day.
Now that I've been there, done that;
thought I'd share my must haves
that got me through those first few days in the hospital.
First things first: Definitely Pre-Register & Tour the hospital.
Do not procrastinate on this. Just knock it out, no earlier than 1 month before your due date.
They will give you a tour of the maternity wings, make sure they have all your info on file (that way you're not filling out paperwork during a contraction!), and answer any questions you might have, such as:
- how your friends and family can visit after baby arrives (do they need to sign in, what elevators will they use, are there quiet hours (aka no visitors allowed), etc)
- have them go over the hospital security features (identity bracelets, code words, alarms, etc)
- make sure you know exactly where to go the day-of (this is an important one, you don't want to be wandering around with your water broken!)
- when will a lactation consultant visit
- how long will you be in the hospital depending on what type of birth you have (make sure to check this with your insurance company too)
Some Tips:
- I timed how long it took to get from our house to the hospital several times, especially during rush hours.
- Have your bags packed and ready to go by 36 weeks- we kept ours in the house, not in our cars.
- Make sure you leave a key for someone to get them for you in case you're not at the house and have to go straight to the hospital.
- Discuss your plan and have a code word. I would simply text Mr. C, "baby", if I thought I was in labor. That way if we weren't together and he didn't answer his phone, he knew to get his butt in gear and call me ASAP!
- Talk with someone you trust, either a friend and/or a co-worker, in case you need to have someone other than your partner drive you to the hospital.
- If you work, draft emails to your boss and special clients/partners so you can just hit "send" when you go into labor. (Definitely have your maternity plan in place with your employeer way before you go into labor.
- Insurance info and birth plan (if you have one)
- 2 pairs of warm, nonskid socks that can get ruined (and for walking the halls before and after labor)
- A going home outfit- loose pants, shirt, a pair of "granny panties", and comfy shoes
- A warm robe or pajama set
- 1 maternity bra or tank- no underwire- and 2-4 nursing pads. (your milk won't really come in until after you're home so you don't need a lot)
- Lip balm and sugar free gum
- Toiletries and Personal Items- hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, face wipes, makeup (mascara and concealer are plenty), shampoo and conditioner, lotion, and contact lens case and solution.
- A bath towel (the hospital ones are super thin and scratchy)
- Eyeglasses/Sunglasses
- Headband and/or ponytail holder (avoid clips)
- Prenatal vitamins
- Vending machine change and non-perishable snacks- breakfast/protein bars, fruit snacks, 100 calorie cookies/crackers, mini Gatorades/juice
- Cell phone, ipad, and charger (don't bring any books or tablets- you won't want to read, I assure you)
- Camera, charged and ready to go.
- Extra pillow (with a case that can get ruined, in a pattern different from the hospital white)
*Leave some room for cards, gifts, and paperwork from the hospital*
*Don't take anything you wouldn't mind getting dirty or losing*
For Your Partner:
- Change of clothes, sleep clothes, underwear, toiletries, books/music/phone, and a pillow
For the New Bambino:
- Car Seat
- Diaper Bag- (bare minimum is fine: newborn diapers, wipes, change of clothes, bib/burp cloth)
- Pacifier
- A coming-home outfit (newborn size should be fine)
- 1 swaddle blanket
- If it's cold out- have the appropriate gear (hat, warm blanket, etc)
*The hospital will send you home with a nasal aspirator, a few extra diapers/wipes,
swaddle blankets, a onsie or two, a hat, a brush, and a little plastic basin or tub*
You Won't Need:
- Timer (for contractions), hair dryer/curling irons/straighteners (seriously?!), jewelry (you can't wear it during labor), hand sanitizer (the hospital has plenty), cards/games, and extra clothes for you or baby.
Hope this helps!
And remember, keep calm and PUSH!
The only thing you really need to worry about bringing home is that sweet new baby!
I love this and am totally going to use it as my guide...thanks!