Hello Baby!
As your due date quickly approaches...
(ready or not, FEBRUARY 1st, here we come!)
I've been thinking a lot about my hopes and dreams for you.
Little thoughts that I've had while I'm at a red light, or laying in bed, whenever...
From Here.
In no particular order...
I hope that you will:
1. be smart and have your Daddy's work ethic
2. be curious and creative like me
3. have a kind and forgiving heart
4. be stead fast and strong in what you believe in, no regrets
5. find a wife and have a (big!) family someday that loves you as much as I do
6. have a hilarious and contagious sense of humor
7. learn to appreciate the little things
8. find and do something that makes you genuinely happy
9. love adventure, being outside, seeing new places, and trying new things
10. be understanding and empathetic to others who deserve it; regardless of gender, race, or background
11. appreciate and love animals, especially dogs, especially corgis
12. do something positive to change the world, no matter how big or small
13. be healthy and take care of your body. you only have one.
14. spend time with your family, including extended family, whenever you can
15. be a good and patient listener
16. give me and Mr. C lots of hugs, even when you're all grown up
17. learn to 2 step like your Daddy
18. be amazed by the ocean and feel small when you look at the stars
19. never forget where you came from
20. open your heart to find and accept God
Can't wait for the whole world to meet you Baby C.