May 29, 2013

B is for Baby: Lately

Hello Baby,

People always used to tell me how fast time goes once you have a little one. 
Boy, were they right. 
I think it goes by so fast because you are
Here's a little snap shot of what you've been up to lately:

 Getting your snuggle on. 
Your sleep in your car seat, swing, and crib, but you prefer to cuddle with someone. 

 You prefer to stand, rather than sit. 
I think this has something to do with your personality!
You are so observant and interested in what's going on around you.

Trying rice cereal for the first time. 
You thought the spoon situation was kinda weird at first, but I'm thinking you like it. A lot. 

 Riding shotgun in your super cool stroller. 
Facing out for the first time. You like looking all around. 
You also like sleeping. 
Which I don't mind, of course!

 Tummy timing and sitting up. 
You're starting to reach for stuff and you've got a kung fu grip. 

Smiling. All the time. 
Even in your sleep. 

How are you 4 months old already?!
Love you x infinity,

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