March 25, 2013

S is for Stuff: Birth Announcements

We opted out of sending our annual New Years cards this year
since we knew we would be sending out Birth Announcements.
I've been saving up some ideas for inspiration
and I can't wait to get ours done and in the mail!

Here's some that caught my eye:
(Etsy does it again!)

from here
(classic.sweet.and letterpressed...yes, please)
from here

from here
(would dress this up with a colorful envelope and patterned liner)

from here

from here

and this one is just plain cool...
reminds me of my childhood pop up books!
from here

We would do all ours in BOY colors of course! 
Still in the hunt...
Here's hoping we get our out by the time he's in high school!
*wink wink*


March 23, 2013

M is for Memories: 2 Months Old!

I literally can't believe it!
Wasn't I in the hospital like yesterday??
(well let's not re-hash that actually!)
Our baby boy was 2 months on the 22nd.

We had our check up at the Pediatrician yesterday...
Didn't get the memo that little man would receive 4 shots.
Don't think I've heard a cry like that before.
And he turned 4 shades of red to match. Poor thing.

I was surprised that I didn't cry.
Now being in the mommy club, for some reason I feel like I have to be strong for him.
Now that's not to say there aren't moments I break down.
But overall, we both did good.

My growing boy is 23" long and a whooping 12 lbs, 3oz.
Doc says we are right on track!
Tripp is holding his head up longer every day 
and likes to stand up (with help of course!) on our legs.

He's really starting to smile more, even with the occasional giggle in his sleep.
Wonder what he's dreaming about?!
When he cries, he prefers we bounce and sing the theme song from "Bonanza"!
Definitely Mr. C's son.

Most of the newborn clothes make him look like a 
little sausage so we've upgraded to the 0-3 month clothes.
He likes to copy me when I stick out my tongue. That's our new game!
He's focusing more on objects and definitely recognizing our faces and voices...
And then he smiles...and that's the coolest thing. EVER.

Growing in love more every day!

March 19, 2013

R is for Random: If Tripp Could Talk

Epic FAIL on my blogging skills as of lately. 
Lo siento. 
I've been kind of distracted by this little face:

We've been busy busy around here. 
Busy growing up too fast that is. 
I try to tell Tripp every day to slow it down already...geesh. 
I have had some time however to snap some hilarious faces of his. 

If Tripp could talk, I wonder what he'd say:

I could literally do this all day. 
Oh wait...I do! 
I know, I'm pretty lucky!


March 07, 2013

T is for Truth: Babies + Marriage

What day and time is it?!
I'm exhausted.

But wanted to share some thoughts that have kept me up at night lately..
(in addition to Baby Tripp's occasional cries and cluster feedings)

{I feel this way about you too, Mr. C}
from my pintrest

Don't need to reiterate the obvious but:
Having a Baby is tough and being Married is tough. 
Thus when you combine the two...sometimes it's just flat out freaking hard
(and you want to press pause, hide away, and cry for hours and hours)

And then you have these beautiful moments 
where you can't wait to play and snuggle and love for forever and ever. 

I don't think any couple is truly prepared for how a baby will affect their relationship. 
(If you know the secret, do share...seriously, fork it over)
Now that we are 6 weeks into it all,
I'm just now starting to understand what is to be our 'new normal'.
(And I know that's just the tip of the iceberg 
and just when we think we have it figured out, hello curve ball!)

As a woman, I've been feeling the pressure to be able to "do it all" and "be it all".
 Between day to day house chores, constant baby needs, and then my husband's needs,
somewhere along the way I sometimes find time for my own.
I wore a towel on my wet head for 4 hours the other day, literally.
(my hair was a hot mess. minus the hotness.)

Fortunately, Mr. C has been beyond helpful
and allowed me to sneak away some nights for a quiet bubble bath
or a trip to Target to aimlessly wander around.
(in which I tend to find myself scoping out toys in the baby aisle)

That's not to say that we don't have our moments.
Times that push the limits on patience, tempers, and sanity.
("why can't you take out the trash like right now?! Right when I ask you to??!")
What I've been trying to remind myself of lately is how precious these moments,
regardless of what they include really are.
But even more importantly, how precious these people are.

At the end of the day, I'm so grateful and blessed to be loved by someone
and to be able to share our days with a sweet new baby.
Life's too short to hold grudges, worry about dishes piling up in the sink,
or the laundry that has been in the dryer for days and "re-fluffed" one too many times.

It's the simple kiss hello from your hunny after a long days work,
a quiet snuggle in the wee morning hours,
tracing the lines of your babies sleeping face while they dream,
and a hard laugh among friends and family that have been keeping me going.

Thank you to my dedicated, selfless, patient husband
(and to our sweet, generous family and friends)
I believe that if I focus on our marriage first,
even if it means putting myself second more often than not,
I will be better for our new family. And that makes me happy.

Still a work in progress,