January 29, 2013

M is for Memories: The First Week

Hello Baby,

Mr. C said this morning around 7am:
"Just think, it was around this time exactly last week we held our son for the first time."

And I can't believe how quickly it went by. 
Here's a little recap of your first week:

Day 1: Tuesday aka "D-Day"
After almost 12 hours of labor, 
we heard your first sweet cry at 6:43am Tuesday morning.
It was a long day and kind of a blur, 
but without a doubt the most exciting day of my life. 

You had lots of visitors throughout the day: 
Nain and Tiad, Ninjie and Kpa, Grandma and Grandpa, and our friends
Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jordan brought us lunch, Uncle Trevor brought you flowers,
Aunt Lisa brought me wine, your first Bible (tear!) and a cute notebook, and Aunt Lauren brought you some pretty flowers and 2 adorable outfits from her store

{Geez, are you loved or what?! That was just the first day!}

You took right away to feeding. I struggled a bit and there may have been some tears, 
but I didn't care because I got to snuggle and study all your little new features all day and night. 
Mr. C was right by my side the whole time and without me asking, changed your first diapers.
He is such a wonderful, proud daddy.

Day 2: Wednesday
Although I was recovering from the lovely aftermath of labor and serious lack of sleep, 
I still felt really energetic. 
I even took a couple laps around the post-partum wing, 
smiling as I paraded you around in your bassinet. 

We had a lot of people stop by too:
your Great Aunt Kathy and Uncle Rick, Great Aunt Tina, 
second cousin Shyanne and her sweet daughter Kinsley, and your Uncle Ben and Aunt Ashley; 
and a couple of my favorite friends, your Aunts Natalie and Maddie. 

Day 3: Thursday
Thursday we were discharged from the hospital. I was ready. 
It was overwhelming having so many nurses in and out 
telling us what to do/not to do upon bringing you home. 
I was exhausted and hardly able to retain info, but yet they kept on shoving papers in our face...

Wait a sec..."what did I just sign?, what was that about the umbilical cord again?, 
you want to give me what shot before I leave?"....

Fortunately our friend Will came just in time to see you
and was the perfect relief to the craziness!

I couldn't wait to be back in our own space. 
We loaded up the car and were on our way.
The drive home was short and sweet. (almost 4 minutes if we hit every green light!)
Mr. C drove nice and slow and it was an absolutely beautiful, warm sunny day. 

When we got home, you ate almost every hour or so. (Poor Mommy!) 
Your Ninjie had prepared the house for us and helped us take care of you when you were fussy. 
I'm sure you were just getting used to yet another new environment. 
I'd imagine being a newborn is tough too!

Our friends Aaron and Leah came by late that night with delicious cupcakes and a cute little outfit for you.
I probably got just a few hours sleep that night, 
but those quiet moments in the early morning hours were some of the best. 
When I just got to cuddle with you as we lay in bed. 

You really are such a good baby. 

Day 4: Friday
You were so chill and easy today. 
Mr. C and I had a movie marathon and you just hung out right beside us. Fitting right in.
Aunt Maddie and Uncle Joe came over for a steak dinner. 
And I may have had my first sip of wine in more than 8 months!

I love seeing you with all our friends and family.

Day 5: Saturday
You had your first pediatrician appointment this morning. 
You weighted about 6lbs, 8.5oz. You were so well behaved!
After the check up, the doctor sent us to the ER
 to get blood drawn to check on a slight case of jaundice you had developed. 

My heart sank. I've never worried about anything as much I do for you!
Mr. C stayed calm as we made the trip and spent the afternoon waiting to hear the results. 
Meanwhile, your Grandma drove up from Katy to stay with us for the week. {Thank goodness!}
We also had a few visitors: your Aunt Natalie with lunch, Nain and Tiad, and Aunt Kate. 

Later that afternoon, the local children's hospital came and set up a photo therapy light in your crib. 
Unless you were eating or getting changed, you were to be in it 24/7. 
It was a long night, but we all took shifts.
You did not even cry when you were in there.

Day 6: Sunday
Day 2 of the light box,
 or the "teleporter, microwave, space machine" as we liked to call it.
Marcus and Kate came by with brunch and your KPa stopped by to say hello for a bit.
Your nursery became the head quarters for the entire house.
We never left your side.

Because we were a little stir crazy, we gave you your first bath.

I remember as I laid down for a quick nap around 11:30pm,
with the bright light of the box shinning into our bedroom,
over hearing your Daddy reading to you in the nursery.
All I could think about was how lucky I was.

Day 7: Monday
Mr. C had to go to back to work that morning. Boy did I miss him.
He came in before he started getting ready and gave you a little kiss on the forehead.
I had stayed up all night with you,
only resting my eyes as I fed you.

Later on in the morning, Grandma and I took you back to the pediatrician to check your blood.
While we were anxiously waiting for the results,
Your Ninjie came by with lunch and we all had a picnic in your room.
And finally, after a million years, we heard the great news that the therapy was done!

I'm pretty sure I exhaled for the first time in 2 days!!!

We celebrated and immediately came into the living room to set up my Mommy command center.
Your Auntie Natalie and Uncle Jordan came by with dinner later on that evening.
You loved being held by Natalie!
That night you ate and slept so well. I slept when you did and felt refreshed the next morning!

Day 8: Tuesday
***Happy 1 Week Old to you sweet baby Tripp!***

Counting my many blessings,

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